Saturday, May 27, 2006

Learning Perl

It took me quite a while to extract the number of keypoints detected and insert them into a spreadsheet. To make future tasks easier, I decided to learn Perl scripting. I read over some tutorials and books. From what I've learned about Perl, I created a script to remove keypoints and their corresponding images from the database it the number of keypoints detected in them is less than 3. This is accomplished by parsing the output text file from detecting keypoints in the database directory. Now that I can make Perl scripts, I should be able to accomplish many tasks faster by automating the more tedious work.

Here is a sample from the output file from creating database keypoints:

extracting keypoints: ./database/s06.pgm -> ./database/s06.key
Finding keypoints...
22 keypoints found.
extracting keypoints: ./database/ss01.pgm -> ./database/ss01.key
Finding keypoints...
2 keypoints found.
extracting keypoints: ./database/ss02.pgm -> ./database/ss02.key
Finding keypoints...
3 keypoints found.
extracting keypoints: ./database/ss03.pgm -> ./database/ss03.key
Finding keypoints...
0 keypoints found.

Here is the Perl script I wrote. It is called by passing in the name of the output text file ( a sample of which is above). The # signs represent comments:
my $rmkp = ">./rmkp.txt";
my $line;
my $prevLine;
#@ARGV[0]: output text filename from keypoint detection.
open ( FILE, "@ARGV[0]") or
die "Cannot open input file: @ARGV[0] : $!\n";
while( $line = ) {
# i means case insensitive
# ([^>]*) match zero or more characters but not '>'
# if line matches regexp
if( $line =~ m/extracting keypoints:([^>]*)>/ ){
#removing words
$line =~ s/extracting keypoints:([^>]*)>//g;
#remove file extension
$line =~ s/.key//g;
#remove whitespace
$line =~ s/\s//g;
#store current line
$prevLine = $line;
#if number of keypoints found, store number
if($line =~ m/keypoints found./){
$line =~ s/keypoints found.//g;
$line =~ s/\n//g;
#if less than 3 keypoints
if($line <>

Here is the log file, rmkp.txt, generated by the Perl script. This shows the number of keypoints for the associated keypoint and image files that were deleted:

Files Deleted From Database:

2 ./database/ss01.key ./database/ss01.pgm
0 ./database/ss03.key ./database/ss03.pgm


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